Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What are you putting on your skin?

We hear all the time about certain products being recalled for their toxicity and or poisonous effects on people. But what we don't hear about in the news is the countless products that may be harming us slowly, little by little, everyday. Finding safe products for our bodies shouldn't be hard, but it really is. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Our pores allow products, pollutants, and more into our bodies. If that doesn't concern you, it should. Babies are harmed more than we as adults are. If you are a mom like me, you really need to think about these things. Your child's health should concern you. It's more than what you feed yourself or your child. Do you use scented detergent? Do you use fabric softener? Why? Clothes don't smell bad if your detergent is scent-free. I never use scented detergent. Just because it is a product that isn't applied to your skin, doesn't mean you aren't affected by it. Why do you think it is so important for babies to use scent-free detergent? If it is important for babies, maybe you should consider the fact that it can affect you too. We have enough chemicals, perfumes and dyes to deal with. Why subject your body to even more when you have a choice? To me, it is ignorance. And fabric softener, really? Please! My fabric is just fine without it. I have dryer balls (found at Bed, Bath and Beyond) that I put into my dryer and they work just fine. No unnecessary chemicals there! There are many people who are affected by fabric softeners. My parents are both chemically sensitive, as well as my sister-in-law. Just sitting next to someone who uses downy fabric softener will give them all debilitating migraines and or have their lungs close up and that will send them to bed or even the hospital. It's not uncommon for this to happen to people. It's not a joke. The more you are exposed to chemicals, the higher your chance will be that you will also be sensitive. Perfumes and body sprays do the same thing. People want to smell good. I understand that. But poisoning your own body and sacrificing your own health for it? Well, to me, that is never worth it. I don't use spray perfumes or body sprays. I don't smell bad. I take showers. LOL!!!! If you don't shower, I can see why you may want to use perfumes, but that would be the only reason I can imagine why anyone should use spray perfume or body sprays. I do admittedly on occasion use a solid organic perfume, alcohol-free. It is chemical free and safe. So if I feel the need to smell a certain way, I use that, and only that. But if you shower on a regular basis, you don't need to add anything to your body to smell good. (Most lotions do enough anyways) Have you ever walked by someone that obviously used too much perfume? Did that disgust you? Even in small amounts, cheap perfume is very obvious. It is disgusting to me, and probably to you too. Just because it's a certain brand or expensive doesn't make it safe. I could go on and on about this, but I think my point has been made. One more thing worth mentioning, while I'm on a roll, is washing your clothes before you wear them. Why? Well, there are chemicals and dyes in your clothes and if you don't wash them first, those chemicals and dyes are going into your skin. I've known a number of people who had babies that broke out in horrible rashes. When I asked them if they washed their clothes first, they all said no. I told them to wash their clothes and blankets before they used them, and their rashes went away. It's not rocket science. Please wash your clothes first, especially your babies clothes. Ok, I'm done ranting about that, so if you want to do something about this, my good friend Lisa sent me a link. It is a great website on the chemicals we are putting in our bodies and there is a chance for you to sign a petition to stop the toxic chemicals. Please watch the video and sign the petition. Thanks for reading! I hope you have more chemical-free days. :)

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