I want to explain my thoughts and beliefs on health. I feel it's important to have a kind of mission statement. I am a health freak, I'll admit. But I have my reasons. If you are looking for ways to be healthier, I sincerely hope that my future blogs will help you do just that.
First and foremost, I am a Christian. That shapes a lot of my beliefs. If you aren't, I'm not here to judge you or preach at you. I just want to help you along on your health journey. When I quote from the Bible, it's not to make me look holier than thou, I just use my faith and the Bible to help me explain my thoughts. I just want to get that out there so you don't feel condemned or ashamed for whatever reason.
That being said, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I understand that this passage is about sexual immorality, but I believe this applies to all aspects of our bodies, including taking care of our physical health. To honor God with my body, I do my best to take care of it. If we want to look at Jesus as our prime example in life, think about what he would do. Would Jesus, if he lived in our day and age, be a couch potato? Would he eat nasty processed food? Would he allow himself to be sick and nutritionally deprived so he couldn't be as effective in his ministry? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if he walked among us today, he would be in great shape and very healthy. Why? Because he wants to honor God in all he does.
If you disagree, just try to picture Jesus as an obese, heart attack waiting to happen, greasy guy. I think we all would have a hard time picturing that. God made us and wants the very best for us. I know he doesn't want to see any of us die prematurely because of unhealthy choices. When someone dies from a heart attack because of their own unhealthy lifestyle, please, don't blame God for their untimely death. It was that person's choice to eat and live the way they did. God did not force them to eat at McDonald's everyday. God did not tell them to stay away from the gym. We all make choices in our lives, good or bad, and everything we do has a consequence. That's just common sense. If you are a Christian and are offended by what I'm saying, it's probably because you aren't honoring God in your body. I want to honor God in all I do. So, it only makes sense for me to eat right and exercise.
I realize I come off as pretty intense sometimes. I'm an intense person. I am passionate about the things that matter to me, so I take my health in particular, seriously. On the rare occasion, I do enjoy things like ice cream, beef, and french fries. My husband is a cook and he does make desserts sometimes. I can't pass up his cheesecake. I just can't. LOL!!! I eat very well for the most part, so I'm not too concerned if I enjoy his cheesecakes on the rare occasion :) I felt I should throw that out there, because, well, I'm human, not perfect.
Because I am human, when I go grocery shopping, I stick to buying only healthy things. I know that if I don't, and I splurge on something that I know I shouldn't, I'm going to end up eating it. I know this sounds simple, but I know a lot of people have a problem with this. They see something that just looks so yummy, their health concerns just go out the window. If you have unhealthy things in your kitchen, you are going to eat them. Period. It's just a matter of time. The temptation is right there. But if that temptation never enters your home in the first place, you don't have anything to worry about. :) So, shopping smart is a must!
I apply the same concept when I go out to eat. How? I make my own lunches. I always bring a piece of fruit and other healthy snacks with me when I go anywhere. Then guess what? I'm not tempted to eat at McDonalds. I'm not tempted to eat at Dairy Queen. I am content with my food that I brought with me. So if you work outside the home, if you don't already, try bringing your own lunch. My husband does that, and not only is he healthier, he is saving us some money. I don't know if you've ever tried making a budget for fast food, but I am willing to bet that if you calculated the amount of money you spent eating out every month, you'd be surprised. It's not cheap. Even if you only get things off the dollar menu, it still adds up, not to mention, the real cost- your health.
Well, I think I'll get off my soap-box for now. I hope that the things I've shared and will share in the future are helpful and not condemning. I am pouring out my soul on here and if you know me well, I never want to make anyone feel bad. But I'm not going to hold back on you if I know there is something that you need to know, even if it seems a little mean. That's tough love for ya! But I will try my best to do it with love. And please, don't feel shy to make suggestions or tips. It does me no good if I don't know what you think. I need to know what matters to you, because I already know what matters to me. If I'm only talking to myself on here, well, what's the point? I'm here for you, not the other way around. So talk to me people! :)
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