I've heard over and over from friends, family, and all sorts of people, that they don't have the time, money or motivation to work out. Those are very silly excuses in my book. Working out doesn't have to cost you a penny! And time.......well, we will explore that subject.
Let me tell you first about some of the things that I have done. When my husband was stationed in Connecticut, I was a lifeguard on the Navy base there. I was required to swim a minimum of 500 meters everyday to work there. I actually got paid to swim! It was pretty cool. When I decided to move on and pursue other jobs, I would go to the gym on base and workout whenever I had a free day. I would easily work 16 hour days, so getting a full workout on was a challenge at times. When we moved back to Washington, I had a baby and no more free gym access. We couldn't afford a gym membership, so I got the P90X workout videos. It was awesome in many different ways! I didn't have to spend time or gas money to get to a gym, and of course, I didn't need to find a babysitter! Yay! I could workout in the comfort of my living room and not care if anyone was watching me. An hour long P90X video isn't so bad when you get into the habit of it.
My husband had pre-paid a chunk of money for Kung Fu lessons. When he was told by his doctor that he should stop, I picked up the classes for myself. They were not cheap, and I had to use them in one year. So I did. Two, three, and sometimes four times a week. My motivation? Money. If I didn't attend a class, that meant that it was money down the drain. And, it was scheduled. More motivation. If you have a class to go to at a certain time a day, you are more likely to go, especially, if it's already paid for. I highly recommend fitness classes. I can honestly say that I was in the best shape of my life when taking Kung Fu. Those were the most intense workouts ever! I'd still be doing it if we could afford it.
When the pre-paid classes had run out, I decided to take my son on stroller rides around our neighborhood. I'd walk to the mall and the lake and the library. Usually 6 or 7 miles a day. If I wanted a little more of a workout, I'd pick up the pace and walk as fast as I could. Unfortunately, I hurt my foot from walking too much. I was told by my doctor to cut back on my walking. I was bummed. But I'd do some P90X workouts to help out. Then the weather got cold and rainy. And I didn't have a car. I was kind of depressed about it and lost some motivation. I found myself going on Facebook a lot and then watching TV. So I made a new rule for myself. I will not log on to Facebook or turn on the TV until I've done my P90X workout for the day. That works! I have more motivation and feel great! I always feel better about myself when I'm working out. I hope those ideas are helpful, but I have other ideas too. Keep reading!
Don't have the time? Do you work full time? Are you a parent? Do you have other obligations that you have to attend to daily? Don't worry, there is hope for even the busiest person! Do you have lunch breaks? Do you watch TV? That's wonderful! Before you go on your lunch break, why not do 10 push ups? Or even 10 sit ups? How how about 20 jumping jacks? Working out doesn't have to take you an hour. Or even a half hour. Do you have 5 minutes? Of course you do! Somewhere in your hectic schedule, we can all find 5 minutes. Make those minutes count! Get your heart rate up! Jog around your office. Run up and down the stairs. Park far away from the office and walk a few more steps to get inside. Take the stairs and avoid the elevator if you can. There are so many ways to get your body in motion. If you are watching TV, then you have time to workout. Decide what is more important. Seeing that show, or seeing a better looking you. But if you aren't willing to give up that show, then do push ups during the commercials!
Don't have the money? Not a problem. All of the exercises I just mentioned, well, they are free last time I checked. So, maybe you have the time, but can't afford to go to the gym. Great! You can jog around your block! It's raining and cold? No problem! Have a treadmill? Well, there you go! Have a mall close to your home? Go powerwalking around the inside of the mall. Got kids? Take them with you! Put them in a stroller and walk around with them. Have some workout videos? That is wonderful! Plug those suckers in and get your butt moving!
Are you injured? Ask your doctor what you can do. If you injured your legs, you can get a pair of weights and get pumping! There are many possibilities to finding ways to work out with an injury. But please, don't do anything that will further injure yourself. Be smart! Working an injured body part can make things worse if you aren't careful.
No motivation? No problem! Do not turn on that TV or surf the web until you've done a workout. If it's a 5 minute workout or a 2 hour workout, that's great. Something is always better than nothing. Just get your body moving. Don't make it a big deal. It's not. Don't overdo it. Just do it! Reward yourself. When you hit a certain weight loss goal, buy yourself a nice dress to show off your new body! Go on a mini vacation. Go to a special restaurant. Whatever you do, make the goal attainable and reasonable. But when you meet those goals, you deserve a little treat. Make it fun! You can also workout with a friend. Friends can make the workouts more enjoyable and they can help motivate you.
I hope some of these ideas will help you in your fitness goals. And remember, it's never too late to get started. I don't care how old you are, there is something you can do. I will always remember this man in his late 90's who would come to the pool where I worked and swim several times a week. I don't care how out of shape you are, you can always change. Watch the biggest loser if you need motivation! Great show! It is so inspirational. If you have physical limitations, there are ways to get around them. I've seen guys with no legs run marathons with prosthetic legs. There is a famous surfer girl who surfs with one arm. There is even a movie about her. There are people that have had horrible paralyzing accidents who have taken years of physical therapy to relearn to walk. If they can do that, then what is your excuse? Everyone can exercise. There is never an excuse.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My Health Philosophy
I want to explain my thoughts and beliefs on health. I feel it's important to have a kind of mission statement. I am a health freak, I'll admit. But I have my reasons. If you are looking for ways to be healthier, I sincerely hope that my future blogs will help you do just that.
First and foremost, I am a Christian. That shapes a lot of my beliefs. If you aren't, I'm not here to judge you or preach at you. I just want to help you along on your health journey. When I quote from the Bible, it's not to make me look holier than thou, I just use my faith and the Bible to help me explain my thoughts. I just want to get that out there so you don't feel condemned or ashamed for whatever reason.
That being said, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I understand that this passage is about sexual immorality, but I believe this applies to all aspects of our bodies, including taking care of our physical health. To honor God with my body, I do my best to take care of it. If we want to look at Jesus as our prime example in life, think about what he would do. Would Jesus, if he lived in our day and age, be a couch potato? Would he eat nasty processed food? Would he allow himself to be sick and nutritionally deprived so he couldn't be as effective in his ministry? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if he walked among us today, he would be in great shape and very healthy. Why? Because he wants to honor God in all he does.
If you disagree, just try to picture Jesus as an obese, heart attack waiting to happen, greasy guy. I think we all would have a hard time picturing that. God made us and wants the very best for us. I know he doesn't want to see any of us die prematurely because of unhealthy choices. When someone dies from a heart attack because of their own unhealthy lifestyle, please, don't blame God for their untimely death. It was that person's choice to eat and live the way they did. God did not force them to eat at McDonald's everyday. God did not tell them to stay away from the gym. We all make choices in our lives, good or bad, and everything we do has a consequence. That's just common sense. If you are a Christian and are offended by what I'm saying, it's probably because you aren't honoring God in your body. I want to honor God in all I do. So, it only makes sense for me to eat right and exercise.
I realize I come off as pretty intense sometimes. I'm an intense person. I am passionate about the things that matter to me, so I take my health in particular, seriously. On the rare occasion, I do enjoy things like ice cream, beef, and french fries. My husband is a cook and he does make desserts sometimes. I can't pass up his cheesecake. I just can't. LOL!!! I eat very well for the most part, so I'm not too concerned if I enjoy his cheesecakes on the rare occasion :) I felt I should throw that out there, because, well, I'm human, not perfect.
Because I am human, when I go grocery shopping, I stick to buying only healthy things. I know that if I don't, and I splurge on something that I know I shouldn't, I'm going to end up eating it. I know this sounds simple, but I know a lot of people have a problem with this. They see something that just looks so yummy, their health concerns just go out the window. If you have unhealthy things in your kitchen, you are going to eat them. Period. It's just a matter of time. The temptation is right there. But if that temptation never enters your home in the first place, you don't have anything to worry about. :) So, shopping smart is a must!
I apply the same concept when I go out to eat. How? I make my own lunches. I always bring a piece of fruit and other healthy snacks with me when I go anywhere. Then guess what? I'm not tempted to eat at McDonalds. I'm not tempted to eat at Dairy Queen. I am content with my food that I brought with me. So if you work outside the home, if you don't already, try bringing your own lunch. My husband does that, and not only is he healthier, he is saving us some money. I don't know if you've ever tried making a budget for fast food, but I am willing to bet that if you calculated the amount of money you spent eating out every month, you'd be surprised. It's not cheap. Even if you only get things off the dollar menu, it still adds up, not to mention, the real cost- your health.
Well, I think I'll get off my soap-box for now. I hope that the things I've shared and will share in the future are helpful and not condemning. I am pouring out my soul on here and if you know me well, I never want to make anyone feel bad. But I'm not going to hold back on you if I know there is something that you need to know, even if it seems a little mean. That's tough love for ya! But I will try my best to do it with love. And please, don't feel shy to make suggestions or tips. It does me no good if I don't know what you think. I need to know what matters to you, because I already know what matters to me. If I'm only talking to myself on here, well, what's the point? I'm here for you, not the other way around. So talk to me people! :)
First and foremost, I am a Christian. That shapes a lot of my beliefs. If you aren't, I'm not here to judge you or preach at you. I just want to help you along on your health journey. When I quote from the Bible, it's not to make me look holier than thou, I just use my faith and the Bible to help me explain my thoughts. I just want to get that out there so you don't feel condemned or ashamed for whatever reason.
That being said, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I understand that this passage is about sexual immorality, but I believe this applies to all aspects of our bodies, including taking care of our physical health. To honor God with my body, I do my best to take care of it. If we want to look at Jesus as our prime example in life, think about what he would do. Would Jesus, if he lived in our day and age, be a couch potato? Would he eat nasty processed food? Would he allow himself to be sick and nutritionally deprived so he couldn't be as effective in his ministry? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if he walked among us today, he would be in great shape and very healthy. Why? Because he wants to honor God in all he does.
If you disagree, just try to picture Jesus as an obese, heart attack waiting to happen, greasy guy. I think we all would have a hard time picturing that. God made us and wants the very best for us. I know he doesn't want to see any of us die prematurely because of unhealthy choices. When someone dies from a heart attack because of their own unhealthy lifestyle, please, don't blame God for their untimely death. It was that person's choice to eat and live the way they did. God did not force them to eat at McDonald's everyday. God did not tell them to stay away from the gym. We all make choices in our lives, good or bad, and everything we do has a consequence. That's just common sense. If you are a Christian and are offended by what I'm saying, it's probably because you aren't honoring God in your body. I want to honor God in all I do. So, it only makes sense for me to eat right and exercise.
I realize I come off as pretty intense sometimes. I'm an intense person. I am passionate about the things that matter to me, so I take my health in particular, seriously. On the rare occasion, I do enjoy things like ice cream, beef, and french fries. My husband is a cook and he does make desserts sometimes. I can't pass up his cheesecake. I just can't. LOL!!! I eat very well for the most part, so I'm not too concerned if I enjoy his cheesecakes on the rare occasion :) I felt I should throw that out there, because, well, I'm human, not perfect.
Because I am human, when I go grocery shopping, I stick to buying only healthy things. I know that if I don't, and I splurge on something that I know I shouldn't, I'm going to end up eating it. I know this sounds simple, but I know a lot of people have a problem with this. They see something that just looks so yummy, their health concerns just go out the window. If you have unhealthy things in your kitchen, you are going to eat them. Period. It's just a matter of time. The temptation is right there. But if that temptation never enters your home in the first place, you don't have anything to worry about. :) So, shopping smart is a must!
I apply the same concept when I go out to eat. How? I make my own lunches. I always bring a piece of fruit and other healthy snacks with me when I go anywhere. Then guess what? I'm not tempted to eat at McDonalds. I'm not tempted to eat at Dairy Queen. I am content with my food that I brought with me. So if you work outside the home, if you don't already, try bringing your own lunch. My husband does that, and not only is he healthier, he is saving us some money. I don't know if you've ever tried making a budget for fast food, but I am willing to bet that if you calculated the amount of money you spent eating out every month, you'd be surprised. It's not cheap. Even if you only get things off the dollar menu, it still adds up, not to mention, the real cost- your health.
Well, I think I'll get off my soap-box for now. I hope that the things I've shared and will share in the future are helpful and not condemning. I am pouring out my soul on here and if you know me well, I never want to make anyone feel bad. But I'm not going to hold back on you if I know there is something that you need to know, even if it seems a little mean. That's tough love for ya! But I will try my best to do it with love. And please, don't feel shy to make suggestions or tips. It does me no good if I don't know what you think. I need to know what matters to you, because I already know what matters to me. If I'm only talking to myself on here, well, what's the point? I'm here for you, not the other way around. So talk to me people! :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Are you ready?
I've been giving it a lot of thought lately. What if a real emergency happened? Would you be prepared? Do you have the necessary supplies ready to survive a few days or even weeks? What about your home? Is your home ready? Does your family have a plan? I know all these details can be overwhelming, but if you break it down and do a little bit everyday until you are ready, it's not so bad.
All my life, I have always been the prepared type. I've had some people think I'm paranoid, and maybe a bit over prepared, but when it comes to my safety and my family's safety, I'm really not concerned about what people think of me. If something were to happen to my family, I'm as ready as I can be, and I'm not ashamed to say that. It really gives me peace of mind. Before I was really prepared, I was very worried about all the things that could happen to my family. What does this have to do with health, you ask? Peace of mind prevents worry and we all know that worrying does nothing good for your health. To me, health and safety/preparedness go hand in hand. If I'm not prepared for a natural disaster, that risks my health and my safety.
There is a parable that comes to my mind. I know the actual parable isn't about emergency preparedness, but it can definitely be applied. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Matthew 25:1-13. I suggest that you read it in it's entirety on your own, but basically, it's about ten virgins. The wise five were prepared with oil, and the foolish five weren't. The foolish asked for oil from the wise, but the wise said no, there may not be enough for both us and you. The foolish missed out. Had this been an emergency, and the oil was food, they may have died from not being prepared.
Even if we don't see an earthquake or other natural disaster in our lifetime, it doesn't hurt to be ready for it. The reality that strikes when something happens and you aren't ready could be terrifying. It is a very harsh reality to face and I hope you never have to. That is why I'm writing this blog. I can pretty much guarantee that most of my friends are not prepared in the slightest bit. Did Japan scare you at all? What about New Zealand? Chile? If you think we are safe from earthquakes, you are sadly mistaken. It doesn't matter where you live. Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime. Just because you live on the East Coast doesn't mean you are off the hook. Yeah, getting a kit together can take some time and money, but what is your life worth? It is always worth saving!
Here are some ideas to help get you started. Please check out www.Ready.gov. There are some checklists and other things worth considering as you prepare. I went to a class last week on being prepared at my church. It was very informative. The lady who taught the class has a Facebook page dedicated to being prepared. It's http://www.Facebook.com/#!/pages/How-Prepared-Are-You-for-an-emergency/147298235282437. I "liked" her page and suggest you do the same. She has also put together some tips and checklists. She is planning on doing more classes in the future as well. :)
Here are some things I've done to prepare our home. We have gas heat. So I went to Lowes and got an emergency shut off wrench for about $4. I went outside to test it, and guess what? It wouldn't turn. I called our gas company and a guy came out and fixed it for free! That gave me a lot of peace of mind that if I needed to shut it off, I could. While I was at Lowes, I found, right next to the wrench, some museum putty. It's for securing your valuables so they won't fall and break in a quake. Not only is that nice for saving your valuables, but you don't have to worry about things breaking on your head and no glass to step on! Awesome stuff! I also got brackets to hold book shelves in place so they don't land on anyone. You can find them at Lowes, Babies R Us and even Ikea. They are free at Ikea. :)Luckily, our water heater already had a strap on it when we bought the house, so we didn't need to do anything there. If your water heater doesn't have a strap, then it's not to code. It is called an earthquake strap, and you need one. If you are renting and don't have one, it is your landlord's responsibility to install one.
Something you might want to look into is earthquake insurance. I was told when we got home owners insurance that we had earthquake insurance. That was in September. I called back in March, just to make sure, and they didnt cover earthquakes anymore!!!! And they didn't even tell us! I was pretty mad, but the only thing I could do at that point was to find earthquake insurance somewhere else. If you think you are covered, it never hurts to call and double check. I'm glad I did!
So, those are some of the things I've done to prepare our home. I also got a large tub that has food, clothes, etc. for our home. Most of the stuff I found was on www.Ready.gov. I also have a kit, in a backpack, in both our cars, along with extra water and food. I also never let our gas in our car get below half a tank. You might just need to drive somewhere, and the gas stations might not be open after an earthquake. Fire starting supplies are a must if you plan to cook your food or need to warm up. A good quality knife is also a must. We have K-Bars in our kits, and I carry a Cold Steel pocket knife in my purse. You can use it to make shelters, prepare food, and even scare people away who might try to steal your food. ;) Joking. Kind of. Haha!! It is a good idea to have written down in your wallet, a list of emergency contacts in and out of your state. Your cell phone might not work in an emergency so having change on hand is a good idea, if you can find a pay phone. If your phone does work, only text message people. It's easier to get through and won't clog up the very busy phone lines. Well, I think that is about all I have to say on the subject for now. Please feel free to add any tips or suggestions. I'm always open to learning new things. Thanks for reading! Happy planning! :)
All my life, I have always been the prepared type. I've had some people think I'm paranoid, and maybe a bit over prepared, but when it comes to my safety and my family's safety, I'm really not concerned about what people think of me. If something were to happen to my family, I'm as ready as I can be, and I'm not ashamed to say that. It really gives me peace of mind. Before I was really prepared, I was very worried about all the things that could happen to my family. What does this have to do with health, you ask? Peace of mind prevents worry and we all know that worrying does nothing good for your health. To me, health and safety/preparedness go hand in hand. If I'm not prepared for a natural disaster, that risks my health and my safety.
There is a parable that comes to my mind. I know the actual parable isn't about emergency preparedness, but it can definitely be applied. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Matthew 25:1-13. I suggest that you read it in it's entirety on your own, but basically, it's about ten virgins. The wise five were prepared with oil, and the foolish five weren't. The foolish asked for oil from the wise, but the wise said no, there may not be enough for both us and you. The foolish missed out. Had this been an emergency, and the oil was food, they may have died from not being prepared.
Even if we don't see an earthquake or other natural disaster in our lifetime, it doesn't hurt to be ready for it. The reality that strikes when something happens and you aren't ready could be terrifying. It is a very harsh reality to face and I hope you never have to. That is why I'm writing this blog. I can pretty much guarantee that most of my friends are not prepared in the slightest bit. Did Japan scare you at all? What about New Zealand? Chile? If you think we are safe from earthquakes, you are sadly mistaken. It doesn't matter where you live. Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime. Just because you live on the East Coast doesn't mean you are off the hook. Yeah, getting a kit together can take some time and money, but what is your life worth? It is always worth saving!
Here are some ideas to help get you started. Please check out www.Ready.gov. There are some checklists and other things worth considering as you prepare. I went to a class last week on being prepared at my church. It was very informative. The lady who taught the class has a Facebook page dedicated to being prepared. It's http://www.Facebook.com/#!/pages/How-Prepared-Are-You-for-an-emergency/147298235282437. I "liked" her page and suggest you do the same. She has also put together some tips and checklists. She is planning on doing more classes in the future as well. :)
Here are some things I've done to prepare our home. We have gas heat. So I went to Lowes and got an emergency shut off wrench for about $4. I went outside to test it, and guess what? It wouldn't turn. I called our gas company and a guy came out and fixed it for free! That gave me a lot of peace of mind that if I needed to shut it off, I could. While I was at Lowes, I found, right next to the wrench, some museum putty. It's for securing your valuables so they won't fall and break in a quake. Not only is that nice for saving your valuables, but you don't have to worry about things breaking on your head and no glass to step on! Awesome stuff! I also got brackets to hold book shelves in place so they don't land on anyone. You can find them at Lowes, Babies R Us and even Ikea. They are free at Ikea. :)Luckily, our water heater already had a strap on it when we bought the house, so we didn't need to do anything there. If your water heater doesn't have a strap, then it's not to code. It is called an earthquake strap, and you need one. If you are renting and don't have one, it is your landlord's responsibility to install one.
Something you might want to look into is earthquake insurance. I was told when we got home owners insurance that we had earthquake insurance. That was in September. I called back in March, just to make sure, and they didnt cover earthquakes anymore!!!! And they didn't even tell us! I was pretty mad, but the only thing I could do at that point was to find earthquake insurance somewhere else. If you think you are covered, it never hurts to call and double check. I'm glad I did!
So, those are some of the things I've done to prepare our home. I also got a large tub that has food, clothes, etc. for our home. Most of the stuff I found was on www.Ready.gov. I also have a kit, in a backpack, in both our cars, along with extra water and food. I also never let our gas in our car get below half a tank. You might just need to drive somewhere, and the gas stations might not be open after an earthquake. Fire starting supplies are a must if you plan to cook your food or need to warm up. A good quality knife is also a must. We have K-Bars in our kits, and I carry a Cold Steel pocket knife in my purse. You can use it to make shelters, prepare food, and even scare people away who might try to steal your food. ;) Joking. Kind of. Haha!! It is a good idea to have written down in your wallet, a list of emergency contacts in and out of your state. Your cell phone might not work in an emergency so having change on hand is a good idea, if you can find a pay phone. If your phone does work, only text message people. It's easier to get through and won't clog up the very busy phone lines. Well, I think that is about all I have to say on the subject for now. Please feel free to add any tips or suggestions. I'm always open to learning new things. Thanks for reading! Happy planning! :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
What are you putting on your skin?
We hear all the time about certain products being recalled for their toxicity and or poisonous effects on people. But what we don't hear about in the news is the countless products that may be harming us slowly, little by little, everyday. Finding safe products for our bodies shouldn't be hard, but it really is. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Our pores allow products, pollutants, and more into our bodies. If that doesn't concern you, it should. Babies are harmed more than we as adults are. If you are a mom like me, you really need to think about these things. Your child's health should concern you. It's more than what you feed yourself or your child. Do you use scented detergent? Do you use fabric softener? Why? Clothes don't smell bad if your detergent is scent-free. I never use scented detergent. Just because it is a product that isn't applied to your skin, doesn't mean you aren't affected by it. Why do you think it is so important for babies to use scent-free detergent? If it is important for babies, maybe you should consider the fact that it can affect you too. We have enough chemicals, perfumes and dyes to deal with. Why subject your body to even more when you have a choice? To me, it is ignorance. And fabric softener, really? Please! My fabric is just fine without it. I have dryer balls (found at Bed, Bath and Beyond) that I put into my dryer and they work just fine. No unnecessary chemicals there! There are many people who are affected by fabric softeners. My parents are both chemically sensitive, as well as my sister-in-law. Just sitting next to someone who uses downy fabric softener will give them all debilitating migraines and or have their lungs close up and that will send them to bed or even the hospital. It's not uncommon for this to happen to people. It's not a joke. The more you are exposed to chemicals, the higher your chance will be that you will also be sensitive. Perfumes and body sprays do the same thing. People want to smell good. I understand that. But poisoning your own body and sacrificing your own health for it? Well, to me, that is never worth it. I don't use spray perfumes or body sprays. I don't smell bad. I take showers. LOL!!!! If you don't shower, I can see why you may want to use perfumes, but that would be the only reason I can imagine why anyone should use spray perfume or body sprays. I do admittedly on occasion use a solid organic perfume, alcohol-free. It is chemical free and safe. So if I feel the need to smell a certain way, I use that, and only that. But if you shower on a regular basis, you don't need to add anything to your body to smell good. (Most lotions do enough anyways) Have you ever walked by someone that obviously used too much perfume? Did that disgust you? Even in small amounts, cheap perfume is very obvious. It is disgusting to me, and probably to you too. Just because it's a certain brand or expensive doesn't make it safe. I could go on and on about this, but I think my point has been made. One more thing worth mentioning, while I'm on a roll, is washing your clothes before you wear them. Why? Well, there are chemicals and dyes in your clothes and if you don't wash them first, those chemicals and dyes are going into your skin. I've known a number of people who had babies that broke out in horrible rashes. When I asked them if they washed their clothes first, they all said no. I told them to wash their clothes and blankets before they used them, and their rashes went away. It's not rocket science. Please wash your clothes first, especially your babies clothes. Ok, I'm done ranting about that, so if you want to do something about this, my good friend Lisa sent me a link. It is a great website on the chemicals we are putting in our bodies and there is a chance for you to sign a petition to stop the toxic chemicals. Please watch the video and sign the petition. Thanks for reading! I hope you have more chemical-free days. :)
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